Brand Assets/Standards
The Caleb Conley Foundation, Inc. Brand Assets and Standards
The following pages of this brand book sets our core guidelines. We’ve strived to keep the guidelines simple and easy to follow, providing you resources to provide a consistent image in your work.
Main Logo:This is our main company logo. Every letter and the image of the deputy stand proud with energy and vitality that draws the eye.
It shall be legible even at the smallest size on digital and mobile devices.
Logo Variations:
There are NO official logo variations for The Caleb Conley Foundation, Inc. The above logo is the only official logo for the company.
If you would like to alter the logo, you must contact for information on this process.
Clear Space & Minimum Size:
Such an important brand element deserves to shine. Allow enough space so that it’s not crowded by other elements and has room to stand out on the page.
Logo sizing and legibility is making sure the logo is always fully legible and observe the recommended minimum size guidelines. When positioning the logo, exceptions for clear space are allowed where space is limited, particularly within digital environments.
Acceptable Backgrounds:
Full color is our preferred use. Use our full color logo version whenever possible. White and light photographic images provide the best impact in physical and digital environments.
Use black/white ONLY when color is not available.
The Don’ts:
Protect our logo and brand by avoiding alerting the logo.
Incorrect and inconsistent use of the logo can undermine the impact of our mission and cheapen our brand integrity.
Core Colors:
Our core brand colors reflect our energy and our focus on helping public safety families.
The logos prominent placement on all communications will ensure our logo is both eye-catching and instantly recognizable.
Always work within the approved color palette and use our color to help convey messages and calls to action.
#FAFAFB #E7D188 #0B0908 #797050 #004AAD
Anton is purposely selected for the font for our use across a wide range of applications and when used with care, can express a clear and bold typographic style.
Business Cards:
For all business card related questions email
Letter Heads:
For all official letter head letters, please email

On June 4th, 2024, Caleb was honored at the Annual Law Enforcement Memorial Ceremony

Kentucky Brotherhood
KBR is a group that rides bicycles around the state of Kentucky to honor the state's fallen First Responders and their families. Caleb was one of the First Responders honored during the 2024 ride.

Kentucky Brotherhood

Multiple softball games have been held in honor of Caleb and funds were raised in support of the foundation.

More Softball

Mile Marker 127
A memorial was placed at mile marker 127 on I75 in memory of Caleb. Caleb was shot and killed during a traffic stop at this mile marker on May 22, 2023.

Fun for a Good Cause
On January 25th, 2024, the Scott County Sherriff's Office and Georgetown PD faced off in a Family Feud Game Night. Funds were raised to benefit the Caleb Conley Foundation and the Georgetown Rotary Charity Fund.

2024 Memorial Run
On September 22nd, 2024, over 200 runners and First Responders participated in the first annual Caleb Conley Memorial 5K.